A review by woolfardis
Inherit the Stars: The Complete Novel by Laurie A. Green


Space Opera Romance With Attempted Erotica is a new one on me. I really need to pay attention to what I put on my kindle.

In any case, romance is usually a dead-end for me, and there was no difference here. I liked the writing to an extent, but the ridiculous changing-names-to-make-it-seem-other-worldly becomes tedious toward the end (or even middle) of book. It's usually something you find in fantasy novels (calling a year a calendar, calling a cow a Fresnch even though it's basically just a cow) but sci-fi gets its own turn sometimes.

Another major irk was that someone was eyeing up someone else's body pretty much every page. That's the first thing every character does to anyone they meet. Okay, we get it: Sair was a gigolo, Drea is a timid virgin at heart, sex sex sex. At least go all out erotica not just pointless Sebastian Faulks-described sex.

Mostly though, it was just boring. Flat characters, mundane plot that is at every page guessable and a ridiculous romance that is pretty standard for movies or books. Unrealistic, if we must. Elements of nice atmosphere and imagination and it really got me in the mood for some epic sci-fi (maybe a Dune re-read is in order) but truly just some recycling fodder.