A review by alyram4
The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Vol. 1 by Yoshiki Tanaka


Update September 4, 2020

Manga Status: Ongoing
Publication Dates: June 9, 2013 - X
My Reading Status: Currently Reading - Caught Up to Monthly Chapters
Total # of Volumes/Chapters: 13 Volumes, Vol 14 To Be Published
Published English Volumes: 12 Volumes
Chapters Read Overall: 81
Genre: Shonen
Current Overall Series Rating: 4.25/5
Thoughts: See Below

Update July 5th, 2020

Manga Status: Ongoing
My Reading Status: Currently Reading - Caught Up to Monthly Releases
Published English Volumes/Chapters Read: 12 Volumes - 76 Chapters
Chapters Read Overall: 81
Genre: Shonen
Current Overall Series Rating: 4.25/5

Thoughts: RTC when volume 13 is published