A review by aceinit
Daredevil: Guardian Devil by Kevin Smith


I'm not going to write a formal review of this, because it will inevitably devolve into a rant. Is this my least favorite Daredevil installment that I've read? Absolutely. Is the writing so pretentious, so self-congratulatory, and so excessively wordy that I wanted to bash my head against my desk? Oh, yes. Does someone make some ridiculous "eyes rolled in their head, semi-anguished, semi-stoned" face on every single page? Just about.

There are very, very few things about this installment save it from being a one-star book. And it is saved by the slimmest of margins. If you're looking for good Daredevil reads, check out Miller, Bendis, Brubaker or Waid. All are phenomenal, and there are installments to suit almost every type of reading/genre preference. Don't waste your time here.