A review by rjdenney
Wild Boy by Rob Lloyd Jones




American Horror Story: FREAKSHOW meets Sherlock Holmes!!

Murder, mayhem, mystery, action, friendship, and batshit craziness! I will now need a copy of this for my shelf because it was awesome. I loved the 1800s carnival/fair atmosphere and this was definitely a dark Middle-Grade read. The writing was incredible and the author did an amazing job at reeling you into the story and making you feel as if you were right there in 1800s London, walking on cobblestone streets, and inhaling the sweet scents of the fair, the sludgy sewage, and the singed hair of Wild Boy. I swear Wild Boy is like a young version of Sherlock from the Elementary TV series and I found that extremely exciting.

If you're looking for something fun, dark, funny, mysterious, and full of action, check this one out. :)

- Richard