A review by kbaney
Intervention by Terri Blackstock


The book had me hooked on the first scene. I thought it was a wonderfully crafted story about the struggles of living with a drug addict. The characters seemed realistic and authentic. Barbara was an amazing women, trying her best to be a good mom but not allowing herself to continue to enable her drug addicted daughter.

In addition to learning a great about the life of an addict, I found the suspense to be very well written. At times I wondered along with the main character if her daughter really could have committed murder. Then other times I was sure she couldn't.

Again, Terri Blackstock delivers a solid suspenseful plot with intriguing twists that kept me reading late into the night. I was surprised to learn that she struggled with a family member who was a drug addict. Her own experience can be clearly seen throughout the story.

Terri, thank you for sharing this part of your own life with us and giving us hope for our loved ones with similar struggles.