A review by graciegrace1178
A Midsummer Night Dreams by William Shakespeare


AHHAAH LITERALLY WHAT IS THIS. 4.2 stars because I kind of love the insane nonsense of it all.

PT: Shakespeare, classics, books that have been on my TBR for too long, books recommended by a friend, ridiculous nonsense books (Dec 2021)

1) meta. A play. That makes fun of plays. Brilliant. I am ALWAYS a sucker for meta satire. The DIALOGUE is so HUMAN too. It’s just people trying to put on a show with all kinds of random stuff happening in the background. DELIGHTFUL.

2) Shakespeare on drugs. So. So like can we all agree this was Shakespeare’s fever dream? This is so far from all his other content (that I’ve read so far), and it’s HILARIOUS. Literally what even is this about.

3) Wit. Yea so it’s def not the normal kind of narrative from Señor Shakespeare, BUT Shakespeare’s characteristic wit is as intact as ever. The one liners!! The set up to jokes that made me snort into my tea while I was reading!! The PUNS!!

1) I think I need more context to properly enjoy this in full. Like. Like there’s gotta be some symbolism I’m missing or something, right? It can’t JUST be sheer, unmitigated nonsense for nonsense’s sake, can it?? CAN IT??