A review by lokster71
Timewyrm: Genesys by John Peel


I read this when it was first published during Doctor Who's long absence from television. It was the first book in the Virgin New Adventures series, which was supposed to be a way of keeping Doctor Who alive whilst adding depth and more adult themes to it. I remember being totally disappointed with it then. I never went back to re-read it.

Peel seemed to confuse 'adult' with something much less mature and took an interesting setting and an interesting concept and turned it into dull mush.

I feel pretty much the same about it now. It's a terrible book. It might even be the worst Doctor Who Novel I have ever read and I've read a few. Why Virgin picked this as the launch book I do not know. Thankfully Terrance Dicks was there, with his safe pair of hands, and could rescue the series. Other writers were to do better. Sometimes much better.

I don't normally rant about books I don't like, because in the end it is just my personal opinion and I suspect lots of people will like this in a way I don't. I'm going to put it back in its place on the shelf never to be read again. When I die it'll pass to someone else. I might even will it to someone I don't like very much.