A review by nomomstayandread
The Place Between by Kit Oliver


“Never f*cked anyone who gave me a C, you know,” he says. He can actually see Abbot’s sigh in the flare of his ribs. “Was I not clear about the talking?”

What you'll get:
Hot for teacher
Fake dating
Single dad
Enemies to lovers
Grad School x Professor
Gay and bisexual rep

Setting: Maine and Massachusetts

Ned has one semester left in his doctorate program before he can move home where his daughter is when his advisor tells him it's not done and he needs to rework it. That's fine. What wasn't fine was that everyone is terrible and keep sabotaging him. The advisor decides that people in academia need better work/life balance (HA! Never heard of her.) and cuts off their access to the university server after 9-5 hours. This unfortunately includes Ned because he's teaching a class even though he's a student himself. He can get access again if he manages to get the biggest loner in the department to socialize so now they're fake dating.

Professors treat him as a peer and completely disregard him as a student which is not to his benefit. He doesn't advocate for himself or his own needs near enough and I just got so mad at everyone. Abbot was ok - he had a crush on Ned for years and it got outed on a work trip when other professors were teasing him. But wasn't ok was that he was on Ned's dissertation committee and that seemed like a conflict of interest. They managed to fall in love without really ever having a conversation with any depth whatsoever.

All of that was what it was but Ned was clearly dealing with untreated depression but because he was friendly, everyone assumed he was doing great. They kept putting him in uncomfortable situations because they found it fun when Ned was drowning. If he was doing great, this could have been really fun. But when the main character says he's numb all the time, lonely, and is tearing up from rage-stress, he's not the one to tease right now.