A review by lazygal
The Bitterroots by C.J. Box


My first Cassie Dewell, and I'm probably going to explore the previous books. There are some surprises, particularly regarding who Cassie can trust and why, and I wonder if those are in the other books. The private investigator genre isn't my favorite, but this isn't a bad example.

There's a great sense of place here, with the Montana mountains and the fires they experience playing a role that was unexpected (at least it was to this New Englander, who only hears a lot about the California wildfires). Small towns and the oversized influence some families can have isn't news, nor are difficult family dynamics. How the Kleinsassers operate, and that the official name of their farm is the Iron Cross(I was surprised that Cassie didn't make more of that) won't come as a surprise. The relationships between Ben, Isobel and Cassie are perhaps the best part of the book.

ARC provided by publisher.