A review by lisaluvsliterature
All Signs Point to Yes by Adrianne White, Cam Montgomery, G. Haron Davis


I loved how this book went through every sign, even one I hadn’t heard of before, but I think was a 13th that used to be considered part of the Astrological signs we know and use or think about these days. As with any other anthology I read that isn’t all by authors I know and love, and has many new to me authors, some stories worked, some I loved, and some I ended up not finishing. So a few notes from my reading this.

The story that I really liked earliest in the book was the second story, the one about the Taurus. It was a sweet second chance kind of romance story, with so many aspects that captured the world today, food trucks, online influencers, and even set in Canada!

Of course I ended up loving the Libra story, since I am a Libra, the characteristics given at the beginning were so true for me. But I loved that the story was called Fake Scorpio, because I know I’ve had people try to tell me based on my birthdate, October 22nd that I was really a Scorpio. A little different from the actual story, but still this one clicked for me.

All the stories had a little difference to them. Some were magical realism, some were actually even more fantasy, and then there were some just really contemporary romance type stories. There were LGBTQ as well as hetero-romance, and even some stories that weren’t really even romance in the basic plot or storyline. So really, like the synopsis says, there is something in this for everyone.

Review first posted on Lisa Loves Literature.