A review by brooklynne_michelle
Songlines by Carolyn Denman


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The concept of this book is rather unique and is the main reason I picked this up, the blend of western fantasy with aboriginal stories sounded fascinating and I desperately needed to read this.

It was a slow burn of a novel which isn't always what I am after and in this case, took me a while to get into, but overall I really enjoyed the way the characters are portrayed as smart fully formed humans with skills and capabilities. The premise of the Garden of Eden having been moved to the bush of Australia was definitely interesting, and surprisingly devoid of angels (I don't know why but a deeply dislike angels as characters in novels). I was a bit disappointed that there was less aboriginal content and representation that I had anticipated, but overall a good story.

Personal taste wise I really dislike the "destined to be together and no way out" trope when it comes to romances and the one in this novel is no different. I found it difficult to enjoy and believe at times yet it was engaging enough for me to feel the effects of it. Lainie herself was a great character when she wasn't being a heap of YA heroine stereotypes. Again I prefer novels without the stunning character everyone adores who thinks she's hideous and incapable of being loved.

Overall is it a spectacular book? No. Will I continue reading the series in anticipation of the fourth book soon to be released? Yes, Yes I will.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.