A review by isalavinia
The Astronomer Who Met The North Wind by Kate Hall


Science fairy tale, YAY!!!

Unlike Minka, my parents and family friends showed nothing but support when it came to my science filled future.
Of course, once I actually entered the STEM fields, I was in for a very rude awakening regarding the place of women in science - worse, regarding the place of women of colour in science. But that's a sad story, unlike this book.

Minka's father is a world renowned astronomer. And as such took his family on an expedition which his wife, Minka's mother, did not survive.
Minka's father was over protective but well intentioned, the other adults were the same but they really grated on my nerves (not to mention Minka's!) with their constant dismissal of Minka's scientific interests.

Enter the North Wind and his sister, who changed Minka's life.

Do you even know how awesome it is to have something as precious and creativity building for little minds (and grown-up minds as well) as a fairy tale and then intertwine it with science?

As Einstein said:
"If you want your children to be intelligent read them fairy tales. If you want them to be very intelligent read them more fairy tales."