A review by mrsbooknerd
Virgin Widow by Anne O'Brien


I absolutely LOVED this book. So much so that it can only be written in capitals and underlined.
There was such a wonderful balance between the politics of the time and the budding romance between Anne and Richard. At no point did I get bogged down with long political descriptions or tactical battles, I was allowed to enjoy the romance alongside the rising and almost constant political tension.

Now I know that this is a work of fiction, but I felt so sad when I read that Anne Neville only lived until she was 28, largely because she was written as such a vitally strong character, and with such a strong love for Richard that I just hate knowing that it was cut short - As a die-hard romantic I believe that they were deeply in love regardless of the lack of historical evidence...
I also like to believe that Richard's life as King - and his 'crimes' were as a result of losing Anne..? I told you, I'm a sickening romantic.

600+ pages and it just wasn't long enough!