A review by mjanemartin
Against the Stream: A Buddhist Manual for Spiritual Revolutionaries by Noah Levine


My first thought was that I agreed with other reviewers in that this is a beginner's book on Buddhism. And it can be that, if that's what you need it to be. But when I slowed down, and stopped my attitude of "yeah, yeah...I know this stuff...", I found Levine had plenty to offer me...lots of "oh, THAT'S and interesting take on..." and "I never thought of it that way..." kind of moments. You may think you understand something, but truly knowing it, is different. Truly knowing something comes from knowing it backwards and forwards and upside down. This book added another dimension to my understanding.

His writing comes across as aggressive and a little angry, which is something that's puzzling. I understand his troubled and addicted past...that he reaches out to prisoners and addicts in his therapy practice. Perhaps this enables him to stay connected with them. Perhaps it's intended to jolt you. Don't let this put you off. There's peace to be found in this book. His message is what's important. It's a short book, but should be studied, and not raced through. He explains very complex philosophy, in a way that makes it accessible to all. Excellent.