A review by lesiajoukova
The Keeper's Vow by Francina Simone


UPD: 23.11.2016

This review was prompted by the fact that I suddenly realized my review is in the top right now and all it says is a pathetic "I enjoyed it!". Time to remedy that. Okay, let's get down into it!

If you love YA paranormal books then I think you should definitely give this book a whirl. Why? For an array of different reasons (warning, minor spoilers ahead, nothing very serious so go ahead).
So what are they? Here are some things that are present in the novel that might tickle your fancy:

* The main characters are "enjoying" the full benefits package of a "telepathic" bond, if you will. Yeah, that's just fancy speak for saying that thought-reading has a place in this one. If you like stories that start with a slight invasion of privacy (haha, I'm saying slight when there's really nothing worse than someone invading your personal space), then you'll love this one! I know I definitely enjoy this trope because the best part of it that the characters aren't in full control of their thought process, making for a very interesting relationship dynamic.
* It is a story of a friendship that establishes itself with a lot of difficulties and hiccups. If you like relationships that develop out of enmity then it's definitely something you will love reading. Tristan and Katie are such different characters that they can't help but clash and their relationship can overwhelm them so much that they'll go into typical teenager mode: ignore other friends, prioritize their life wrongly. Basically a wonderful image of teenagers. I know I was exactly like that and the book really reminded me of that silly and wonderful time.
* The main heroine is getting strong. STRONGER. She is just gonna kick ass (but only when she is done whining). I love whiny strong characters. They remind me of Scarlett O'Hara. Own it, girl!
* This book has an unreliable narrator and it is a pure joy to read her perspective. She is so freaking believable, I can't even. I loved her unique perspective as an angsty girl that has to go through discovering that the world that she knows is very different from the world which she has to face.
* The story has vampires. And it's done very skillfully, their introduction, development and explanation leaves no plot holes or questions and has a lot of potential for a sequel.
* The adults in this book are idiots. Morons, really. They made me angry. And that's why I loved it so much, because it was intentional and it really showed that in this book being an adult doesn't mean that you're incapable of stupid decision. Sometimes I rather wondered whether any of them was capable of doing the right things. Major props, Francina.

Got you interested yet? What do you mean "no"?? Don't you like bratty main characters with hidden strength? Don't you wanna see a cool combat training sequence that actually takes place over months of time? No super skillful MC's here that suddenly become black belt masters here!

Is this book heart wrenching? Aaaaalmost. I think by the second or the third my heart will definitely be in the proper shredder place. Did I root for the characters? Hell yes! I cheered them on, pleaded with them to realize their stupidity sooner and was very satisfied with how the book turned out. Is this book fun? Definitely!

And that's quite enough for me.
I enjoyed it!