A review by vabookworm703
Nowhere Safe: Slye Temp Book 1 by Dianna Love


More like two-and-a-half stars as I thought the writing style was pleasant, the plot entertaining (at least the spy parts). What made this less than a thoroughly enjoyable read is that I found that the protagonist (Josh) and his love interest (Trish) extremely unlikeable. Josh was your typical boorish, brute of an alpha male while Trish was a very clichéd ridden perky, suborn, I can do it myself, I don’t need a male to protect female. I found the “instant” sexual connection between Josh and Trish a bit forced (though I did enjoy the “meet-cute” in the elevator). I found myself more interested in Ryder and Sabrina than in Josh and Trish. The major problem I had with this story (other than the unlikeable leads) is the reliance of the stupidity characters to move the plot along;
Spoilerreally how many times did Trish have to be saved because she was too stupid to realize that running out on Josh or Zane while she’s being stalked is not a smart thing to do. How many times did Trish need to be rescued because she thought her six months of self-defense training meant she could “take care of herself?”