A review by larissa_s
Austin by Con Riley


I’ve yet to encounter a Con Riley book I didn’t love and Austin, the fourth book in Riley’s Learning to Love series, resoundingly carries on that streak. The entire Learning to Love series is emotionally potent, unique, and compelling, probing into issues like punishing ourselves and others with judgments, grudges and presumptions. Forgive yourself and be open to forgive others. Be kind. These are the deep, heartwarming things we encounter in these books.
In Austin, we see these themes play out in spectacular fashion with Austin, the new bursar of Glynn Harber and Luke’s former adversary in the prior series book, Luke. Austin staggers beneath guilt and self-flagellation, and Dom is also weighed down by guilt from a very different source. Both battle with self-awareness and acceptance. Then at the intersection of the plot that brings Austin and Dom together is Dom’s daughter Maisie.

Riley does an excellent job weaving textured subplots into a riveting central romantic relationship. It’s one of the reasons why I enjoy her books so much. Nothing is superficial. There’s depth, meaning, and factors at work we don’t always anticipate until we ride out the colorful, captivating journeys she creates for her characters. I highly recommend this whole series and Austin contends for the title of best in series.