A review by crysrowe
Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan


This is one of those books that everyone should read. Since our journey to simplicity, we’ve really tried to pay attention to the food we’re putting in our bodies. This book was a great discovery, filled with great tips for our many trips to the grocery store.

Once upon a time I started reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma by the same author, but it was one of those books that I got about 1/3 through and never finished. Not because it wasn’t good, but because it was so dense with information. Pollan was brilliant to condense the information into this handbook of 64 rules. It’s easy to read in one sitting, easy to refer back to over and over again, and because it’s short and to the point, the material really sticks with you. Plus – now that I have this tiny glimpse of information in my head, I’m ready to dive back into his bigger books!

What Pollan calls rules are really better described as guidelines for our grocery shopping and eating...

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