A review by howlinglibraries
Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison

Did not finish book. Stopped at 43%.
 This might be a "soft DNF" because I don't have an issue with the book at all, I've just read a LOT of horror surrounding cults and returning to your childhood home/reconnecting with estranged family lately, and I'm getting a little hungover on the themes. Nothing is really compelling me to come back to this one right now so I'm setting it aside, but I definitely enjoyed the author's writing style enough to read more of her work!

Honestly, this is probably the most positively-toned DNF I've had in a VERY long time so if you were considering reading this, don't let me setting it aside slow you down as it's totally a "me" thing right now!

Thank you to the publisher and LibroFM for the audio review copy! All thoughts are honest and my own.