A review by 1siobhan
The Danger Dance by Caro Soles


*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book.*

I'm sorry to say that this book didn't work for me at all. I skim-read most of it. This is due to several things:

A) Not enough world-building. Military space vessel, espionage, dancing companies, hermaphrodites? I need more context. Who are the different players? How are the different people politically connected? Confusion.
B) Story and characters confusing, not enough for me.
C) Trigger warnings galore. Rape, bondage, forced Piercings, abortion, forced drug consume, drug abuse. This one dude sort of rapes and pierces one of the hermaphrodites against his will, calls him "bitch" even though he's not a woman, and that's okay???? W. T. F.

Especially C was one reason why I chose to skim-read the rest of it. I liked the Sci-Fi setting, I liked the queer characters even though I disliked how the hermaphrodites were sexually exploited and othered by others (don't like the message this sends).

Anybody else had problems with this book or is it just me?

2 Stars