A review by bi_bibliophile
North by Frank Owen


North is the second and last book in the Divided States duology. The South is ravaged by fatal diseases that ride the winds, after our protagonists, Vida and Dice, survive the peril of the South we join then where we left them, breaching the Wall into the North.

This was such a fantastic sequel. I loved the first book with all the strange situations Vida and Dyce got into but this book ramped up the danger and the fight for survival. I adored how they recapped what happened in the first book with Vida writing a letter to her unborn baby so the child knew where it came from and the people it came from. It was a nice way to remind the reader what happened while also having an air of sorrow to it as it foreshadows what's yet to comes.

You don't know who or what to trust, all you know is that Vida and Dyce have to survive and in doing so they'll come up against untrustworthy people and tricky situations. Even the good guys are shifty, no one is to be trusted, the only people they can trust are themselves. It brings a new sense of tension. With wanting to try and find a way to stop the horror in the South, our protagonists are trying to survive in a world that doesn't want them too. It's stressful and tense situation and you can't help but feel sorry for the doomed lovers.

If you like dystopians reads I'd definitely recommend the Divided States duology to you!

Rated: 4/5 Stars