A review by amyma
The Sisters of Versailles by Sally Christie


Very interesting book set at Versailles in the 18th century during the rule of King Louis XV. I was excited to read this book because I was just at Versailles a couple of months ago. I actually wish I had the read the book before going because it would have given me quite a different perspective of what happened at that magnificent castle. Although, reading it after being there helped to understand some of the places mentioned, so I suppose I would like to visit again to have both viewpoints!

I've always heard reality is stranger than fiction and this book is one that proves that theory. Who would think that four of five sisters would all have affairs with one King, very different sisters I might add. Before reading the author notes and seeing it was well researched, I thought it was quite a bit of bawdiness the author was attributing to the King. But, as it turns out, life at Versailles and with kings was quite racy.

While I did enjoy the book, I also found it to be a bit wordy and slow at times. Even with that said, I would recommend it if you enjoy historical fiction, but in this case, more of the fluffy, scandalous kind. What I did like a lot was that the story was told by the point of view of each sister. I feel that makes the book more intimate, really makes the reader feel "in the moment" with each character.

** I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review **