A review by pixiejazz
Moribund by Genevieve Iseult Eldredge


Moribund is a fascinating new take on typical fae stories. I have to say, the synopsis is what sucked me in, and the cover is gorgeous, so I knew I had to read this book.

Moribund is the tale of a shy, geeky sixteen year old girl named Syl who discovers a secret she didn't know she had. A secret her mom has been keeping from her for her entire life. She's one of the Summer Fae's Sleeper princesses, although she has no idea what that means. At least not right away.

Euphoria, Syl's glam-Goth crush, also happens to have a secret. She's a Dark Fae, but oh, so much more than that. Exiled by the Dark Fae, Euphoria is forced to join forces with a horrible person who not only convinces her to do bad things, but infects her with evil magic that turns her into one of the Circuit Fae. He does this because he has plans for her; plans she wants nothing to do with. He also has other nefarious plans that make him pure evil.

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were fun, unique, and adorable. I especially found Euphoria to be a great character. She may have drawn the short straw in life, but she didn't let that stop her from stepping outside of what she was expected to do/be/act like/etc.

I do wish there had been a little more world building when it came to the home of the Dark Fae. I was intrigued by Euphoria's original home, and I would've liked to have seen more detail with that. But hopefully there will be tons more in the sequel. I'm also curious about the Summer Fae world, and if that will play a part in Syl's life at all.

The plot of the story moves along at a decent pace, and there were times I found myself unable to put the book down, even though I knew I should so I could "adult" for a little while. That's how good it was. It sucked me in and didn't want to let go.

Overall, Moribund is an exciting, unique read that's LGBT friendly, but doesn't focus solely on that aspect. Nor is it a main plot point. At least not to me. Sure, both characters are crushing on each other, but their romance is sort of sidelined by everything else going on.

I highly recommend this book to fans of urban fantasy, fans of stories about fae, and fans of LGBT friendly fiction. I give Moribund 5 well-deserved stars!