A review by krstnhd
Beyond the Mapped Stars by Rosalyn Eves


Though I consider myself a non-practicing Mormon, I was absolutely stunned by this book and haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

There are so many messages here that are important to all girls and young women, but especially to those of the Mormon faith. The idea that you can strive to be someone even though you may be the first is not one that Mormon girls are always taught, but I hope that Elizabeth inspires them in ways that the religion sometimes falls short.

I SUPER appreciated that Elizabeth was able to acknowledge that she too was treated poorly for being Mormon and could find some initial common ground with her Black acquaintances, BUT NEVER SAID THEIR EXPERIENCES WITH PERSECUTION WERE THE SAME. And RE's re-emphasis of this in her Author's Notes got a standing ovation from me. The number of times I've heard White Mormons say they "get" racism because they are Mormons is NOT ZERO, and I am so happy RE and Elizabeth made the distinction here.

I highly recommended this to women of all ages who have any sort of connection with the Mormon faith. I will be gifting this to all the women in my family this holiday season and hope other readers find Elizabeth to be the inspirational heroine that I did.