A review by howlinglibraries
“You Just Need to Lose Weight”: And 19 Other Myths About Fat People by Aubrey Gordon

Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
 "You Just Need to Lose Weight" is a valuable resource that has a lot to offer for the right audience — most notably, people who want to learn how to fight anti-fatness from ground zero.

As someone who has dealt with this in my own life and the lives of my loved ones since I was born, I didn't feel like I was gaining anything except the feeling of being generally miserable because the entire book up to my stopping point was such a painfully honest reminder of how so many people view fat bodies (and even "average" bodies in many countries).

Great book for a lot of people, just way too high-risk/low-reward for me with the impact this author's blunt prose had on my mental health.

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy! All thoughts are honest and my own.

Representation: the author takes care to discuss the impacts of anti-fatness on BIPOC fat individuals as well as using trans-inclusive terms. 

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