A review by calimero747
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier


This was absolutely gorgeous. Although I stopped reading in the middle (lack of free time), I had no problems picking it up again. I adore Juliet Marillier. I don't care how many times I've said it already. And you'll probably hear me say it a lot in the future.
The characters, the writing, the setting, the storyline... I can just say what the ninth Doctor would. It was FANTASTIC!
I couldn't decide between Wildwood Dancing and Heart's Blood if my life depended on it! And that's a HUGE compliment coming from me.

Jena is a capable, strong young woman. I'm so glad that there is finally a female character out there who can really take care of herself. And not only herself, but all the people surrounding her. She probably had too much weight on her shoulders, but the way she handled it earned her a lot of bonus points.
Gogu (I won't spoil who he is though it was so painfully obvious to me from the beginning)... well I fell in love with this weird frog.
The love story of Tati and Sorrow is really beautiful even if I couldn't get how Tatiana could be so helpless and lovesick. I mean, she put Sorrow before her family. Jena would never do that. But maybe that's just the difference between the sisters.
Paula was weird and geeky and a deep and complicated person. She reminded me a lot of myself. I would love to read the second book, which is from her point of view.
Iulia was a bit annoying but the girl has a giant heart.
And you gotta love the little Stela.

Of course I hated Cezar but what I like about him is that he had a reason for his actions. He wasn't born bad. The wrong choices he made shaped him into the villain he was. The whole point of this book is to teach us how much our choices change us. It's all about paths you take to get where you want to get.

A classic fantasy book, I would recommend to anyone. They could be 10, 30 or 90 and there would still be something they could learn from Marillier's books.