A review by mommabygrace
Plot Twist by Carmen Sereno


I was iffy about this book at first. Marcel’s character is a real turn off in the beginning. They way he treated Siobhan and how much he dissed her work and romance novels as a whole, saying it’s not true literature, really made me dislike him and I wasn’t sure I would finish reading this. 

I did, though. Over time, Marcel slowly changes. He’s still a jerk to Siobhan on occasion, but out of the two of them, he’s got the subtle character growth throughout the book. He goes from saying love is despicable to wanting everything with her.

There are several things about this book that I was annoyed with or felt wasn’t necessary. I’m not sure if it’s just the nature of the book, or because it’s a translated version. There were a lot of long descriptions for places and events that could have easily been shortened and still gotten the point across. It doesn’t happen incredibly often, but it’s also something I’ve noticed in several books I’ve read in the past year - I find it annoying when authors emphasize the color of one’s skin. I don’t feel it necessary to capitalize black, when describing people of color. To me, it just feels like putting unnecessary attention to it. You can write inclusive content without making it look like you’re blatantly saying, “look! Look what I did!” 

I also felt like Marcel needed more of an epiphany and or panic when he realized he was in love with Siobhan. For someone completely against love and love stories, the conflict didn’t hold much oomph.

In the end, I did finish the book, it was just not a wow story for me, or one I have a desire to maybe read again one day.