A review by sandrareilly513
Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight


Disclaimer: YA, but NOT middle-grade appropriate. Lots of mature language (curse words galore) and sexual content between minors discussed several times. No sex scenes but sexual situations talked about very often.

Entitled private-school-privileged teenagers, secret clubs, terribly selfish parents, misunderstood situations, bullying, LGBT, and suicide weave together a compelling story that hits a little too close to home. Despite the upper-class setting, this plot could happen at any school, in any part of the country. Children have become so creative in their meanness, and even more ignorant to its consequences, as us adults have, as well.

Disclaimer aside, this book was really incredibly enjoyable. Many people have compared it to Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl, and I can see a bit of a parallel of it for a YA version. Many twists and turns keep the story moving at an incredibly fast pace, even with interlaced chapters from the days/months leading up to the death of one of the main characters (no spoiler alert necessary -- this plot element is on the back cover) to give readers back story in an effort to help them figure out the mystery before her mother does. There are quite a few characters to keep track of, which does get tricky at times, but this does not take away from the plot.

All in all, a really interesting, fast-paced story that hopefully teens and parents can learn from, before it's too late...