A review by 600bars
Naoki Urasawa's Monster, Volume 6 by Naoki Urasawa


We are getting closer to finding out who the twin’s parents are. I was actually SHOCKED when we revealed that Johan was impersonating Anna. Now we know why she was making kills left and right in the previous volume! I am not sure why I never thought of that before, it seems so obvious. They look identical, of course Johan would find it useful to impersonate her! As dark as this manga has been, the sequence where that little boy Milosh is sent into the red light district was some of the bleakest. Sometimes I don’t really like when this happens in stories, like I would rather learn more about Dieter than have a new little boy character who fulfills pretty much a similar role even tho Dieter is still around.

At the end Tenma is arrested and all of the patients he has helped plan to band together to seek his freedom. This volume was nice because it felt like we were getting to return to the earlier volumes which helped me keep everything straight. We are also getting more info about the twin’s childhood and the happenings at 511 Kinderheim. Grimmer, who seems cheerful and easygoing, was also damaged at 511 Kinderheim and has had to learn emotions by rote. He has a breakthrough emotional moment when stopping Milosh from jumping off the bridge after that manipulative experience with Johan in the red light district.