A review by neshasurya
The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone by Olivia Laing


i thought it was going to be the author's loneliness (despite the fact that she does occasionally discuss it). but it turns out to be more of a memoir about these artists ( andy warhol, edward hopper, david wojnarowicz, etc), their childhoods, and how loneliness affected them. not exactly what i'm expected, but it's still a great book about how you can find loneliness everywhere. 

aku kira bakal nemu personal essai, tapi bukunya justru mengeksplor rasa kesepian lewat seni dan gimana mereka berusaha mengatasi rasa kesepian tersebut lewat sebuah karya. tipe buku artsy yg bikin kita penasaran dan langsung googling karya-karya artists yg disebutkan. 

bukunya juga cantik penuh dengan quotes-quotes menarik yg sangat terasa melankoli.