A review by tim5alive
The Order of the Poison Oak by Brent Hartinger


A fun summer read full of typical high school romance and drama. I enjoyed it and reading about the same characters again.

I thought there were some well-written scenes including the store and induction scene. I feel the theme of being excluded and left out continues throughout the series and I liked that we got a different layer with individuals with scars this time.

I really like Otto and Em lol. They seem like such sweet characters and Em is a laugh. This book continues to suffer from being too short and I feel like we could spend a bit more time unraveling the conflict between characters I.e. Min and Russ over Web.

Thr author acknowledges that he doesn't write the good parts because they're not as exciting as the bad. I love reading characters enjoy themselves and I'd want to read that and not always seeing them in conflict!