A review by khylabevibin
VIP by Jackie D


3.5 stars

This book made for an easy casual read on a busy day. It’s short simple and cute.

Unfortunately that’s also the reason for my 1.5 star down rate. The book was too simple.

Aubrey is an actor and Harlow is a singer. When they meet there’s an instant chemistry. Later in the book Casper’s brother makes some mistakes than ultimately relate to conflict in the main relationship

Admittedly Aubrey and Harlow do have undeniable represented chemistry but there wasn’t any build up or anything special. Even their conflict was boring and the reconciliation was blueprinted by the classic cliche best friend interference and serenade trope. The reconciliation was a bit half assed

In the beginning of the book we have small appearances from Aubrey’s ex which could’ve been a source of entertainment in this book but it seemed as though the author forgot they existed. Which was a bit weird since she was the Kickstarter.

Also something that I realized seconds after finishing the book was- it’s not funny. There’s no humor in this book. Not a single thing that struck me as humor. Regardless of subjectivity.

Casper’s ending also left me annoyed. How could someone who caused so much trouble get a good job in a field he was previously shown to be untrustworthy in?

Seems like the author wrote an unrealistic fairytale to be honest. Aubrey and Harlows achievements at their age and their ending was totally far fetched- not that I’m opposed to walking the line of realism, this is a work of fiction after all. But in this book it felt a bit overdone.

Now this book can be described as a light read and if that’s what you want, a sweet, easy, cliche light read. Then I do recommend.

But if you’re looking for something with entertainment, depth and characters you relate to and can grow to love. Then no I do not recommend.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the arc in return for a honest review.