A review by maiada
Subterraneans by Jack Kerouac


shitty hipsters drinking too much while trying to fall in love and maintain romantic relationships doesn't end well, as one finds out in this story that is told as one giant run on sentence, but the character of mardou is so intriguing, and i can so relate to her as i have dated a bum like kerouac before too, altho she was smart enough to fuck it up after 2 months rather than let it drag on for 2 years, yet i empathize with you, kerouac, when you say "difficult to make a real confession and show what happened when you're such an egomaniac all you can do is take off on big paragraphs about minor details about yourself and the big soul details about others go sitting and waiting around", but still overall i really loved this book and i think the real, though skewed, love story about drugs and sadness was worth reading all the long chunks of rambling thoughts and the slapdash, hop-skipping scenes and if you made it through this review i bet you can make it through this book too.