A review by susanreadstheworld
Acts of Faith by Philip Caputo


The Days of Our Lives: Sudan - a waste of paper and time.

When they say "write about what you know" they don't say "include everything and don't forget the kitchen sink!"

The first half of the book is full of too many main characters. I got the feeling the author just couldn't choose a filter. The second half is dominated by soap opera-like love affairs and is taken over by the two most unlikable characters in the book.

If you were having trouble with the mishmash style of the first half and wishing the author would choose a filter already, you end up screaming "This is the filter you chose?! Pathetic!" as you slog your way through the second half.

I forced my way through the first half because I was at least getting to know more about Sudan and its history and difficulties, but the second half left me bored and annoyed.

Mr. Caputo, did you have a content editor? Or did you decide that you are too good for that sort of thing? Were you so delusional that you thought that you could undertake something so immense and not need a content editor? Not need guidance? Did the idea of allowing someone else to help you mold your story give you nightmares?

You should have hired a team of content editors.