A review by sarahelainereads
American Royals by Katharine McGee


What an utter mess.
Full review to come.

okay, here we go. there were SEVERAL issues I had w/this book, but let's just dive into the biggest problems.

1) there were four point of views. I kid you not. Four. Wow. If the characters were all likable, I think it would work ([b:Winter|13206900|Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4)|Marissa Meyer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1470057036l/13206900._SX50_.jpg|18390887] is a great example of how to do multiple characters), BUT I didn't like half of these girls. Especially Daphne. That girl should go chew on some tinfoil.

2) so. much. insta. love.
Seriously, it felt like both Beatrice and Samantha went from zero to 100 with both of their love interests. There was almost no buildup or depth to their relationships. Absolutely none. I was not invested in them at all.

^^^ Elsa speaking TRUTH.

3) Where was the government??
So, guys… I really love history, especially American history. And I thought, you know. This plot is so cool, we get to read about America being a monarchy!! I am so pumped for all this governing!! And guess what?? There was 0% government and 100% trying to marry off Beatrice to another royal because apparently the first woman to ever be crowned for America is incapable of governing herself??? You know what, I don’t even want to fully get into this rant because you would have to read like ten pages, so…

4) the most typical boy characters of all time.
Charming, witty, (and sometimes brooding) with beautiful eyes and huge muscles. Every single one of them. I wanted to gag. It’s like they all came out of the same boyfriend factory.

5) so much drama.
But not like, “this is so entertaining and I need some popcorn drama,” more like, “this is incredibly stupid and annoying” type of drama.

The one thing that redeemed this book for me was Samantha’s character. She’s the only one I didn’t feel like hitting over the head with a frying pan.

All in all, I think it’s safe to say, this book was not for me. And now I’m off to read the sequel because I received the ARC. Crossing my fingers that the next one is much better!