A review by loverofromance
Wild Fire by Christine Feehan


Wild Fire begins with Connor Vega, who after some times, returns to the Panama rainforest. When he was called on a mission and seduces the daughter of a dangerous man,, he finds his mate, but only to betray her in the end, and knowing that he will always ache for her but will never see her once again especially after all of the pain that he has caused her. But he is shocked to discover that she is alive and has come to him for help, something he never expected. Isabeau Chandler, after falling in love with Conner and sharing the most intimate experiences with him, and then have him betray her, she knows she can never trust herself to open herself up to him again. But after Connor's mother is viciously murdered and children are kidnapped including his younger brother, she knows she needs his help to rescue these children who have been kidnapped by a monster, and knowing that only he can help save them, despite the costs to her personally, but she is willing to sacrifice anything to save these poor children, who have no one else to help them. But sparks fly, as both Connor and Isabeau are working together toward a common goal, and heat and passion flare up in the wild rain forest, where they both discover that they still are in love despite the past hurts. Only love will heal both of their hearts, only when they choose to embrace it and take that leap of faith.

Wild Fire is part of Christine Feehan's Leapord series, and its been a remarkable journey to be able to read the books that she has so far written in this series. This is a remarkable author who has such a great talent for writing romance in the Paranormal world, and making it come truly alive and riveting for the author. In Wild Fire Connor is a Leopard as is Isabeau but she doesn't comprehend that fact. Her father she loved dearly and after losing him she blames Connor for the betrayal, but the passion that once existed between them is still vibrant now that they are together once more, although circumstances are different. Isabeau is also feeling confused, especially since her inner leopard is coming out, and inside she is terrified knowing that she is Connor's mate. Wild Fire is a remarkable adventure past betrayal and hurt, and learning of love and forgiveness. Christine Feehan has packed this novel with the best of the best characteristics of her fabulous writers, that astounds readers across the globe!!!