A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Death at Victoria Dock by Kerry Greenwood


Death at Victoria Dock by Kerry Greenwood is the fourth A Phryne Fisher Mystery. It is 1928 in Melbourne, Australia. The Honorable Phryne Fisher is driving home late one night when her windshield is shot out. Someone is shooting at her. Phryne sees two men fleeing and another man on the ground. She quickly stops the car and runs to his aid. The man whispers a few words to Phryne before succumbing to his wounds. The young man was only seventeen years old and did not deserve to die. Phryne promises to find the men who killed him. This pledge will lead Phryne to anarchists, a socialist bookshop, a tattoo parlor (where Phryne shocks the men within), a “spiritualist”, and Peter Smith (if you know Phryne, I bet you can guess where Peter will end up). But what happens when the anarchists take Dot Williams, Phryne’s companion? Phryne must split her time between finding the young man’s killer and her latest case. Mr. Waddington-Forsythe’s fourteen-year-old daughter, Alicia has been missing for three days. He would like Phryne to locate her quickly and discreetly. According to Phryne’s two adoptive daughters, Alicia was not well liked at The Presbyterian Ladies College. Alicia collected secrets which she then entered into her purple leather diary. Did Alicia threaten to spill someone’s secret? Phryne will need all her investigating abilities and the help of her friends to solve these two cases.

Death at Victoria Dock is a well-written and engaging mystery novel. I love the character of Phryne Fisher. Phryne is an intelligent, vibrant and witty woman (she is full of life). Phryne is a woman who does not let anything stand in her way (I admire her). The novel has just the right amount of humor and romance. I give Death at Victoria Dock 4.25 out of 5 stars. The novel is a quick and easy read. The book has a good pace (except in a couple of spots) and two good mysteries (one is more complex than the other). Death at Victoria Dock can be read as a stand-alone book. All the information a reader needs is provided within Death at Victoria Dock. You might, though, upon completion find yourself hunting out the other novels in A Phryne Fisher Mystery series. I do wish that Detective Inspector Jack Robinson had been included in this story. I will definitely be reading more books in A Phryne Fisher Mystery series.