A review by beth_dawkins
Living on the Edge by Shannon K. Butcher


Sloane Gideon is a mercenary who works for a company that handles everything from private guards to government work. After a message from her old high school friend Gina, says she is in trouble, Sloane heads to Colombia to rescue her friend. She is helped by Lucas Ramsay, ex-army, who is doing one last favor for Sloane’s father, General Norwood. The General has charged Lucas with finding Sloane and bringing her home, even if that means knocking her out and dragging her back.

The book starts off at a party. Sloane is protecting a rich client, and Lucas is determined to stop her from getting on a plane. The problem is that Sloane believes he is out to kill the client, but he is only protecting her from the real shooter. Our heroes are at once attracted to one another, yet Sloane wants to hate Lucas, who she sees as just like her father. There is a great deal of banter between the two that off set me. The romance between the two characters is not what kept me reading, but the shoot outs and explosions set in the jungle. The story shifts from Lucas and Sloane, to Sloane’s co-workers and boss, until the co-workers come to Colombia. During the shifts between Colombia and the side characters there are hints of a dark past that connects them altogether. It also ties into the real reason a drug lord kidnapped Gina. Not all of the dark secrets of the past are revealed, leading to set up more stories in the series.

Sloane is an easy to like character. She is kick ass with some serious daddy issues. Lucas on the other hand I found too likeable. He is hot with a moral code that drives him to help Sloane, or anyone in trouble. The only thing wrong with him is an old knee injury that hurts on occasion. He was too much of a ‘good’ guy for me, but did seem to be the perfect man.

Though a little predictable at times the story was engrossing. Butcher did a nice job of writing exciting gun fights, and close calls that had me flipping a page back. There was a lot of information that came too easy to the characters. The romance was not all that impressive, and the moments between Sloane and Lucas have been done before. The action was well paced throughout the story. When a bad guy is shot, I felt satisfied that justice was done. Living on the Edge was a quick paced action-romance that was enjoyable, but a little light, with a story that held together well.