A review by goshurcute3
The Make-Up Test by Jenny L. Howe

Did not finish book.
I really didn't have it in me to read more. It might be a bit slow to start, and maybe I am stopping too soon, but I can't do it.

As a plus-sized woman, one thing that I can't stand when reading a book with a plus-sized protagonist is when their size is constantly brought up in a negative way, even though they "accept and love themselves". It really takes away from the story. This one happened to have an author's note stating that this main character loves herself and accepts herself the way that she is. Then, a few pages in, she has a conversation with her mother, and being fat was one of the topics. It just screams hypocrisy to me. I'm sure it wasn't meant that way, but that's how I read it. For my own sanity, I had to stop.