A review by cj_mo_2222
Remember Me by Daisy White, D.E. White


Ava Cole is back in Wales after leaving the country and her young son behind when her best friend disappeared. Now fifteen years later after working in Los Angeles as a detective, she returns after learning her ex-husband is dying of cancer, hoping to reconnect with her son. Ava's return stirs up old feelings about Ellen's disappearance and Ava may now be facing danger.

This book has an interesting premise but starts out very slow with several characters to try to get to know at once. It picks up when the story gets going, but remains fairly slow throughout the book. The long ago mystery and the current one is interesting, but details unfold too slowly. I was interested to see what would happen next, but frustrated that things weren't moving faster. I was surprised at everything that was revealed at the end. There were some really good moments in the book, but with some faster pacing and less characters to keep track of, it could have been a more exciting thriller.

I received this book from NetGalley through the courtesy of HQ Digital. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.