A review by flattrash
The Boyfriend by D.E. McCluskey

Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
DNF'd at Part 20. The build-up dragged on for far too long. I don't like how Lisa is ignoring the obvious warnings her friends are giving her. Also, he pisses in a bush then walks the girls home. How romantic is that?

Opening scenes are from the father's POV after watching his wife get murdered. The killer has a lock of his daughter's hair matted with blood. A second man comes in the room w/out a mask, he recognizes him. After the first killer slits his throat, mask off. Instantly recognized.

One Month Later
Lisa Quinn(17) Flo Quinn(early 50s) Tony Quinn(54) Sean Knight(18) Jay

First date between Lisa and Sean Knight. Timid, Lisa's first kiss.  
Sean's personality does a 180 as he drives away. Calls Jay. 
Flo meets Sean first, brings her lilies. 
-Lisa notices his seat belt magically disappear on the drive home
-The sprinklers are aimed at the paving stones and walkway
-"Body kept tight by Pilates, yoga, and fitness classes after school" WTF??