A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Grim Witchery by Eva Chase


HOLY. DAMN! I was prepared that the last two books were gonna be scary, emotional and action packed. I was not prepared for those epic show down already building up in this book. I've grown too attached to these characters. Every time I turn a page I'm afraid that something bad is gonna happen to them, that the plans they make are gonna fail. I was on the brink of skipping parts because I just had to know that things would be alright. Somehow. For now.

Chase gave me quite a few scares in this book. Even though action wise not even that much happened, the emotional tension and the clear steps that are taken towards the big finale were really exciting and well done. Although there is still some sort of subplot in this book, that already gets resolved before the book ends, it's clearly part of a bigger plot, of the one that will come to an end in the next book. And it's gonna be epic without a doubt.

The characters are now established. We know them. We love them. They have grown into their own people and we now see the people they want to be in their future. The conflict is now mostly coming from the outside world. It's coming from rules and traditions. From their parents and friends. From expectations and what's right and wrong. I can't wait to read the final book and to see how it's all gonna end.

The journey has been epic so far. One more book to read. You will hear next week what I think of that one last book. I'm terrified and excited at once to read it. If that makes sense.