A review by amber_lea84
This Is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality by Peter Pomerantsev


This book is hard to rate because there is some really interesting information in here with sources! This book is an excellent resource for anyone trying to wrap their brains around the forces that are trying to shape our perceptions of the world.

But the way Peter Pomerantsev organizes his thoughts hurts my brain. To me it seemed like he was jumping around all over the place. I struggled to understand why he chose to organize his book this way because I couldn't connect all the pieces together like I felt I was meant to. He also jumped between talking about things I know a lot of background on and talking about things I know almost nothing about (because I'm a dumb American) so sometimes I was completely following and other times I was struggling. So at times I felt like I was reading a five star book, and then a few paragraphs later I wasn't sure what I was reading.