A review by brooke_review
Contagion by Teri Terry


Teri Terry's Contagion has been on my TBR list for awhile. Dystopian Fiction is one of my favorite genres, and with current world events, i.e. coronavirus, now seemed the perfect time to dive into this apocalyptic tale about the United Kingdom dealing with a similar outbreak. Unfortunately, I could tell from the very first chapter that this YA novel was not for me. With extremely short chapters alternating between the book's two female characters, I found this novel very difficult to follow or get into. I felt lost right from the beginning, which is not a good way to begin a novel that deals with concepts that were, before our own pandemic, relatively foreign to many of us. The coincidental tie-ins to COVID-19 weren't enough to keep me interested in this novel, which moved at a rapid place without giving me time to absorb concepts or make connections with characters. This novel is action-packed and dialogue-focused, which will appeal to readers who enjoy those characteristics, but as for me, this was just not my book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Charlesbridge Teen for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.