A review by kittykult
The Horror Show by Todd Beistel, James Maddox


"Monsters have no choice in what they become, but people can choose a path...before it's too late."

One of the best parts of my job as a used-bookseller is getting to read whatever new and intriguing material people bring in. The Horror Show was one of those - it came across my desk and while trying to determine a price, I began flipping through pages and was immediately captivated.

Another perk of my job is that I can "check out" books from the store as if it were a library. Of course, this one went on my personal shelf right away.

There's really not much I can say about the plot of The Horror Show without spoiling it. I'll just say that it involves two friends, Tom & Ronnie, at a secluded cabin in the woods; it has a very cool-looking monster; and a plot with lots of twists and turns. Right when you think you know what's going on, it flips you on your head. The story is under 50 pages long, so I read it in less than half an hour, and was super disappointed when it came to such a quick end. It feels like a good show that gets canceled in the first season. When I reached the last page, turned it over and saw there was no more, I said out loud, "wait, that's it???" I feel like the story could definitely be fleshed out some more, but it definitely succeeds in grasping your attention in its claws and not letting go until the action-packed conclusion. There are many directions the story could have gone in, and I really would have liked to see where it went. The characters are engaging and sympathetic, even the "monsters." The fact that such a neat, spooky little world could be shaped so well in so few pages is very impressive to me.

The art is the soft and glowy grayscale of a film noir, with splashes of red a la Sin City. This gives the book both an artsy and creepy atmosphere, and is easily one of the best parts of The Horror Show and definitely the part that drew me in (haha, "drew" get it, because it's art? I'll stop now). The graphic novel version also contains an interview with the creators, a cover and art gallery, and a script-to-page bonus section.

Overall, this is a great little read and I will definitely be looking for more works by the creators. I would love to see this made into a movie, or even just get a sequel book deal. I was shocked when I was researching this book before reading it that there really isn't that much out there about it. I definitely think The Horror Show is a hidden treasure that more people need to experience.