A review by noemielise
Project ELE by Rebecca Gober, Courtney Nuckels


This book sucks. Like really.
It had potential: a society trying to survive a natural disaster, and blah blah blah, but the main character sucks. "I act like i don't care because i am a teenager"
"Oh no, i lost my mom and brother.. But my boss is cute"
"Oh, he sent me a letter! 'Will you be my girlfriend? Check yes or no' I squeal like a school girl, i guess thats ok because i am a schoolgirl" isn't this the cheesiest line ever?
"We are exploring a underground tunnel. 'I wonder where it leads to', he asks. We don't answer because we don't know the answer." Well duh!
I mean, im tolerant of bad books, but this is in a class of its own.

Update: when you read stuff like "more and more freakier" you wonder if its a five-year-old that wrote the book...