A review by onecheesetoasty
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman


This book was cute and very easy to read, albeit forgetful. I enjoyed the writing style of Abbi Waxman, that is many asides, tangents, and interjected fun facts that literally no one asked for. However, I found the main character, Nina Hill to not be as relatable as I thought she would be based on the "book worm, cat loving, coffee drinker" depiction on the back of the book. I find her choices and behavior to be inconsistent (one of my biggest pet peeves) and her relationship with her rival trivia captain expected and easy. Don't get me wrong, there were some surprises and times I actually laughed out loud, but there were come short cuts taken in this book. Definitely a fun, quick read with good lessons about the importance of friendship, family, courage, and love.