A review by solelylu
Notable by Marni Bates


more like 4.5 stars.

As seen on Gaga Over Books.

Notable revolved around Chelsea who was shown a different side back in Invisible. She is Logan's ex and she is still hung up on him, kinda. Her parents are going through a divorce and her parents send her off to Cambodia for this student program. She is quite dramatic, broken-up, hurt, and all about keeping up her bitchy persona. Other students are all college students. There is Houston (yeah, Chelsea had so much fun with his fun), Amy, Liz and Ben and their jolly teacher. Chelsea is seriously annoyed by all his happy-go-lucky personality. Things get ridiculously awkward and bad when their teacher gets mauled up by gangsters and they end up on the run with drugs. Chelsea saves the day with all the craziness and the help of her new and old friends.

I liked this installment as well. I don't know I think Marni has a knack of writing such great contemporary and realistic (a Cambodia trip gone wrong can happen, y'know)-- it's ridiculous but at the same time can totally happen. I like how she writes. I like her sarcastic, witty, awkward, bad-ass heroines. I don't know- her books are totally readable. They are a really good timepass and can be read in one sitting. They are easy going.

