A review by breenakm
Against the Tide by Tui T. Sutherland


Although I enjoyed the story I was starting to feel like I would take a break before reading the last two in the series until the end. I have a love/hate relationship with twists in the ending. Now I have to read the next book just to make sure that everything happens the way I want it to happen.

When one spirit animal is found being treated badly by his bond the young characters comment, "I don't understand how one could treat such a special gift so badly" or something to that effect.
I thought about the way so many treat people around them. We are all a gift to each other. We are here to bless and lift each other not to verbally or physically abuse them to get what we think we want out of our desperate life. Giving not taking seems backwards but it is the only way to find your life -by loosing it.