A review by sstarke
Searching by C.S. Johnson


Searching is a prequel to the Starlight Chronicles series. There is an author note at the beginning that explains it might not be the best place to start if you haven't read that series first because there are spoilers at the end. I have read the series, and I agree that if you want to keep some of the tension and mystery of The Starlight Chronicles this should probably be read after you finish it. That being said, this *could* still work as a true prequel if you don't mind some spoilers.

This book stands alone in that it is not necessary to have knowledge of the world or characters before starting it. It has its own story arc - beginning, middle, and end - that doesn't rely on any of the other books. I do find it satisfying to have a contained story despite being a prequel to a series.

This is also a true YA novel. The main protaganist is 13 years old, but like many YA fantasy novels, she takes on challenges far more than any normal 13 year old could handle. Good thing she isn't quite normal... The character development is good, and relationships grow and change throughout the course of the book. Some fo the conversations seem a little stilted and not realistic, but there isn't too much dialog where that is noticeable.

I listened to this book in audio, and I'm not sure if this is a different narrator from the other books or if she just did a better job. Some of the things that were annoying to me in the other books were much, much better in this one. The voices are more distinct (and less "weird"), the pacing was good, and the inflection was on point.

Overall, this is a really solid, entertaining book that I would recommend.

I received a free copy of this audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left my honest review. The free copy did not influence my review in any way.